Health teeth a lifetime!
On this page we offer you an overview of the range of dental services that you can expect in our practice.
The details behind it, the techniques and materials with which we treat you, you will learn in detail on the web sites of the single services.
Our practice philosophy is to provide services that ensure your quality of life and satisfaction of your teeth into old age.
The patient is in the centre. The main objective of our work is to treat the people who use our help best and to meet their expectations in our work.
We are guided by established rules of dental art and new modern treatment methods. We treat minimally invasive, which means we hardly polish healthy tooth structure to replace a missing tooth. With a missing tooth we always try to replace the void with a tooth implant, which means a titanium screw is placed into the healthy bone (implant) and above a crown is cemented. In our practice, implantology is part of the minimally invasive treatment! Also the tooth regulation with the Damon system ( is for me tooth friendly and minimally invasive, because less healthy teeth have to be extracted and because you are treated with delicate forces.