Our team

Dr. Univ. Med. Anton Josef Plattner

Doctorate of general medicine in Innsbruck in 1977
Specialist training in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the university clinic in Innsbruck
1981 he established his own dental practice in Brixen - Tyrol
Training courses in German and Italian (endodontics, prosthodontic, restorative therapy, periodontics)
1994 Education for implantology and bone grafting (Straumann – ITI according to Prof. Buser – Bern) – www.straumann.it , attendance of the ITI congress in New York, Milan, Rome, Berlin
Visit of various world conferences in Chicago, Orlando, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Mexico, Paris, Vancouver etc.
2002 Training of orthodontics with Don McGann DDS in Santa Ana, California
Graduated as orthodontist in Vienna in May 2004
2010 Masterdamon Munich (orthodontics) – www.damonsystem.com
Visiting Damon courses and symposia In Barcelona, Rome, Vienna, Monaco, Kitzbuhel, Milan, Venice, Verona, Munich, Padua, Parma and Ferrara
Courses in office at Dr. Alan Badgen in Springfield-Washington (www.alanbadgenorthto.com) and Dr. Ramon Perera, Lleida, Spain (www.orthodonciaperera.com)
Participation in world conferences in Seattle-2007, Denver-2008, Boston-2009, Washington-2012, Chicago-2011, Honolulu-2012, Philadelphia-2013

Member: Association Tyrolean Dentists, ANDI Bolzano, Bolzano AIO, Doctors and Dentists Association South Tyrol, ITI-Straumann – Implantology (www.straumann.it), ambassador of minimally invasive dentistry

Dr.med. dent. Florian Plattner

Doctorate 2017 in Austria

Specialist for implantology and oral rehabilitation

Member of ITI Straumann Implantologie





Assistant Sara


- Assistant
- Course in Bolzano for the certificate as a dental assistant
- Graduated in 2017



Assistant Desiree

- Course in Bolzano for the certificate as a dental assistant 2015-2018



Assistant Daniela




Assistant Anna


Technician Christoph Huber

- Qualified dental technician for 30 years
- Training in Baden near Vienna
- Various training courses in German and Italian
- Specialization: crowns, bridges, full and partial dentures, gold fillings, ceramics and implant prosthetics




Our assistant

… makes the teeth strong like a bear.
… is always there for us.
… keeps the whole team in a good mood.
… children can sit on his lap.
… for 20 years the head in the practice.
… is al dente.
… his motto: Health begins in the mouth!