Training 2024

International Congress Growing Smiles at Torino

International Congress SIDO at Florence

Congress at Rome

Envista Summit at Barcelona
AAO International Congress at  New Orleans 

International Congress SIDO at Verona

Congress EAS at Valencia


Training 2023

SIDO International Congress at Rome 

AAO International Congress at  Chicago 

SIDO International Congress at Rome 


Training 2022

SIDO International Congress at Florence 

EAS - European Aligner Society - Congress at Porto 

Worldcongress AAO at Miami 


Training 2021

SIDO congress at Florence 

SIDO congress at Napoli 


Training 2020

Digital AAO congress at Atlanta 

Online participation at the ortodonthic conference at Kitzbühel


Training 2019

Zirkonzahn - course at Gais

ITI congress at Riccione

SIDO congress at Rome
AAO congress at Los Angeles

March: at Praha 


Training 2018

Participation at the Forum Damon at Cape Town 

Participation at the ortodonthic conference at Kitzbühel
Participation at the conference Sido at Napoli

Participation at the conference Orthospring at Venezia 
Participation at the conference AAO at Washington

Participation at the Carriere Symposium in Paris from 20 til 22 September
Participation at the Face Symposium in Vienna (28. - 30.09.)

Participation at the Sido Congress in Florence from 11 til 13 October


Training 2017

Participation at the Damon Forum ( at Orlando with daughter Julia

Participation at the conference SIDO at Florence, 17 and 18 march

Participation at a conference in San Diego 

Partecipation at the SIDO congress in Rome from 19 to 21.10.2017


Training 2016


Participation at the Damon Forum ( in Los Angeles 8-12 february: 1400 participants from all over the world with 32 speakers - the future of dentistry ist minimally invasive! The goal ist to treat difficult cases in a short amount of time without pulling healthy teeth and without operating! Chris Chung from Taiwan explained this philosophy.

IIi members meeting and training in Bolzano: How to treat teeth with periodontal damage? (25.2.2016)


Treatment of teeth in the wrong position with kids between 4 and 12 years a Vicenza with Dr. Rollet: 100 participants and training for 2 days: also in this case minimally invasive treatment (

SIDO international spring meeting in Roma 11-12 .3.16 with Prof. Zuchelli, Renato Cocconi, Fredeani, Raffeini, Palmer ecc - Teamwork is the key... ( )


Training of radioprotection in Bolzano with Dr. Haller and Training with Dr. Marco Passone regarding safety during work


Training 2015


Participation at the Damon Forum ( from 17.02. - 21.02.2015 in Orlando with lectures of 30 different speakers from all over the world about mini-invasive and digital jaw and teeth regulation; the best speaker was Dr. Chris Chang from Taiwan ( and


Participation in the international SIDO spring meeting in Milan: "Controversies in Orthodontics" - on 6. - 7. March 2015 (


Participation in the European Damon Forum, 16 - 18 April in Barcelona (


Participation in the AAO Congress (tooth and jaw regulation) in San Francisco from 15 - 19 May (


Sido Congress of EOS in Venezia on June 13; several speakers: Nanda, Moser, Bruno, Flemming, Nucera, Mandelli, Maspero, Gracco, Sachdeva; Topic was the update on fixed therapy in orthodontics (


Participation in the 8th international orthodontic congress in London (


Participation in the Damon Symposium in Munich (

Participation in the Sido Congress in Milan (


27. - 28.11. - Participation at the 12th Stangelwirt-Damon Symposium in Tyrol with different speakers (


IVOS - Participation at the International Vienna Orthodontic Symposium the 4 and 5 december, title: timing as the key to success? (


Training 2014


Participation in the Damon Forum in Pheonix with Lecture: Minimally invasive orthodontics with Damon System - 24 cases from the dental office Dr. Plattner, from 15 - 18 January


Damon course in Rome, 8th of february with Prof. Dr. Rafael Garcia Espejo

Course about short implants in the lateral teeth by Prof. Pietro Felice - Bologna, on February 21, in Bolzano


Class with Prof. Dr. Sergio Piano - Genova about angled implants in simple and difficult cases regarding toothless patients in Bolzano, 6.3.2014

International training in orthodontics in Kitzbühl, 8 - 15.3.2014; course about the treatment of the gingival recession with the latest scientific treatment methods according to Prof. Sculean - Bern

Training in implantology: horizontal bone augmentation with athropies in the jaw bone with different techniques - with Dr. Stefano Landrini and Dr. Paulo Bozzoli from Milano in Bolzano on 03/28/2014


Lectures on dental roots treatment (endodontic): Indications and limits of root treatments; Dr, Rizzoli, Prof. Cavallieri, Dr. Riepi, Dr. Maritignoni Dr. Semenzato, Dr. Tochio, Dr. Ongaro and the representatives Dr. Rampulla and Dr. Bianconi in Bolzano - in the Castle Maretsch on April 5, 2014

Participation in the AAO Congress in New Orleans from 24.4. - 30.4.2014 (world congress of the orthodontical treatment)


4 days of office courses with Prof. Chris Chang in his "Beethoven" hospital in Taiwan from 17. - 20.6.2014 - subjects: Damon systems, mini implants and a Vista workshop and Keynote workshop for presentations (www.chris chang - taiwan)

In office practice in Trento with Prof. Dr. Nadalini: 2 live operations: 4 implants in the upper jaw and 4 implants in the mandible, new surgical techniques


1 week stay in London: 1. visit of the orthodontic department at the Royal Hospital under the direction of Prof. Lee; exchange of ideas and motivation for the minimally invasive teeth regulation according to the world famous Damon system modiofied by Dr. Anton Plattner - Italy; 2. visit of Guys Clinic-Kings College in London with Prof. McDonald: visit of the department and exchange of ideas with Dr. Dirk Biester and case discussion and re-evaluation of the latest treatments of children and adults


20.9.2014 - Training in Innsbruck: New of the prostethic restoration with "Straumann" - implants: from the single tooth gap to the supply of the vacant jaw

26. - 27.10.2014: Participation in the 1st International Damon-Symposium in Milano. The advantages of the Damon-System in orthodontics. Case presentations and lectures of 22 expert orthodontists from various European countries.


Participation in the SIDO congress in Firenze: 9.-11.October 2014


Invitation to do a lecture for ANDI Bolzano: Topic: Talk about minimally invasive orthodontics - treatment of difficult malocclusions minimally invasive with few resources; Bolzano, 7.11.2014, lecutre also by Dr. Lisa from Breitenberg and Dr. Valeria Bortoluzzi: panoramic view of orthodontics for dentists from South Tyrol

Complication management with Prof. Dr. Alexander Gaggl, clinic Salzburg, and Dr. Dr. Sascha Virnik, 8.11.2014 in Innsbruck

Bone regeneration in dentistry with Prof. Luigi Rodella, Brescia, e Dr. Ramon Boninsegna in Bolzano, 9.11.2014

Torino, 14 - 15 november: Meeting for members and followers of the ITI; Lectures by Prof. Luca Cordaro (Roma), Prof. Sandro Sviero (Milano), Prof. Matteo Chiapasco (Milano), Prof. Paulo Casentini (Milano), Prof. Mario Roccuzzo (Torino), Prof. Giacomo Oteri (Messina) and other speakers of ITI Italy (

28 - 29 november: meeting for users of the Damon system in Going-Tyrol, the focus was on digital orthodontics with Insigna, digital impressions with Lythos and case presentations of 10 different speakers ( ,, the future is minimally invasive orthodontics!


IVOS orthodontics, symposium in Vienna the 5 and 6 dicember (


Training 2013


In office course with Dr.Dr. Neunteufel in Kitzbühel from 2.1. to 4.1.2013 (

VTZ 60 year celebration with various speakers in all sorts of of disciplines (surgery, orthodontics and restauration) 12.01.2013

Day course on fillings with plastic and crowns at Andi Bolzano, 26.1.13


Damon Symposium in Orlando, from 13. to 16. February 2013


Implant prosthetics of anterior teeth - Course by Straumann in Verona 2.3.13

Front tooth implant and bone formation - Course in Trento in the Buonconsiglio Castle 16.3.13

Ortodontics with the Damonsystem - Course by Prof. Dr. Alan Badgen ( in Munich 23.3.13


ITI experts course with Prof. Dr. Knut Grötz: risk profiles of compormised patients after irradiation and biphosphonate therapy and immun supression


AAO World Congress in Philadelphia from 3 to 7 May 2013

Dr. Daniel Hess: bone structure regarding implant treatments 15.5.13

Presentation of Enrico Staeger about zircon bridges with implants 28.5.13

Course about edentulous patients with implants in Bolzano 31.5.13


ITI National Congress in Salzburg 21.-22.6.13


Training about Damon-Finishing in Munich with Dr. Stuart Frost from Phoenix on 13. - 14.09.2013 (

National ITI congress in Venice-Lido on 26 - 28 september (


Training in Milan with Prof. Ramon Perera - Spain: jaw and orthodontic treatment with Damonsystem on 12.10.2013 (

Course with Prof. Dr. Riegl F. Gerhard ( new strategies for increasing the success of dental practices, Innsbruck: 18.10.2013

Course with Dr. Tiziano Caprara in Bolzano on 19.10.2013: Practice marketing


International Congress SIDO in Rome: new therapeutic treatments in orthodontics for children and adults on 7-9. november 13 (

ITI course for one day in Innsbruck: Prostethic restauration after the insertion of an implant of Prof. Dr. Julia G-Wittneben Matter, Bern - Boston on 16 november 2013 (

Tenth Damon-user meeting in Tyrol in the restaurant "Stangelwirt" on the 29 and 30 november 2013


IVOS Orthodontic Symposium in Vienna on the 7 and 8 december (


Training 2012


Damon Forum in Phoenix ( 17.-22.1.12

In office course in Kitzbuhel ( 2. and 3.1.12

Implantology – course about bone formation in Bolzano ( 28.1.12


Ceramic crowns and fillings, training with Prof. Dr. Dr. Dumfahrt – Dental clinic Innsbruck 5.2.12

Steps to speak well 1, Day course with Alfred E. Mair ( 10.2.12

The dental clinic: organization and taxation, news and future evolution AIO Bolzano 12.2.12


Orthodontic training in Kitzbuhel (

Training course in Munich for the orthodontic treatment of the splint 17.3.12 (


Training in Venice on 7.4.12 on digital jaw treatment: Dolphin Study Club (

Steps to speak well 2, Neustift 20.-21.4. with Alfred E. Mair (

International spring seminar Merano 27.-29.4. (


Participation in the AAO congress in Honolulu from 4. to 8. May (


Course on mini-implants in Bolzano, Aldo De Blasi - Milano 22.9.2012

National Congress: Italian Academy of orthodontics - Myths and reality, Congress University of Bolzano 27. - 29.9.2012


Lecture at the PDU Krems about front tooth implants by Dr. Plattner (immediat implant) 13.10.2012

Damon Symposium in Cannes, France 18. - 20.10.2012


ITI member training in Verona 9. - 10-11.12

AIO Bolzano "All-ceramics: Veneers, crowns, inlays" - Dr. Fabio Marcon 17.11.12

Course in office with Dr. Damon in Spokane WA USA for jaw regulation ( from 26 to 30 november 2012


Training 2011


Orthodontic training in Kitzbuhel (


Damon course with Prof. Mandelli in Treviso


AAO World Congress in Chicago (


Training ANDI Bolzano


Damon course with Prof. Mandelli in Treviso, mini implant conference in Verona ( with Prof. Giuliano Maino


Course with Prof. Pitt in Merano (


Damon system user meeting in Tyrol ( Going, ITI congress in Florence (


IVOS in Vienna with Prof. Bantleon (